DÃa Hispánico / Hispanic Day / Journée hispanique 2025

10:30am - 2:00pm
Ted Daigle Auditorium
Join the Department of Romance Languages and the Spanish and Latin American Program for "Día Hispánico / Hispanic Day / Journée hispanique" on Monday, Feb. 10. The event runs from 10:30am to 2:00pm in the Ted Daigle Auditorium and features presentations from various SPAN courses.
10:30am - Opening Remarks
10:35am - SPAN 1006B - Beginning Spanish - Prof Terzioska
11:00am - SPAN 2013A - Intermediate Spanish II - Prof Sainz
11:30am - 1:20 pm - Lunch in foyer
1:30pm - SPAN 1006D2 - Prof Sainz
1:40pm - Aotiitj Program - Elsipogtog First Nation - Prof Ruckenstein
1:50pm - Closing Remarks